Wednesday, May 9, 2012


A part of marriage is learning to deal with each others' problems and being an encouragement along the way, sparking new growth. Abi has been there for me in this respect in tremendous ways. Her patience is amazing, and I love her all the more for it.

This past weekend is a prime example. For reasons I don't even know, I was in a terrible funk Saturday and Sunday. Saturday didn't start out that way, but by the time we got to Target to do our grocery shopping, it was settling in. We were going to the movies with friends of ours afterward, and I wasn't sure I wanted to when we left the store. We met them at the theater anyway, and ended up having to wait an hour because the show we were going to see was sold out. During that time, the four of us had some fun conversation, and my mood was much improved.

Sunday, though, I woke up in a foul mood and I couldn't seem to shake it. We skipped church because I knew it would have been hypocritical for me to sing praises to God while in such an awful state of mind, even though I realized that going there might have helped lift the mood. I probably won't know if I made the right call or not on that point. I ended up taking a long nap and woke up feeling somewhat better, but it didn't last long. Abi very patiently came to me after I sat for a while by myself, trying to figure out what was wrong, which was frustrating for me, and must have been for her, because I couldn't even explain what was the matter. As she sat by me, she must have been praying her heart out because eventually the mood broke. We prayed together, then, and I've been feeling good ever since.

I'm sure at least some of my problem was spiritual in nature, an effort to keep me from doing what God has brought me to Des Moines to do. Spending time in Scripture and prayer are the two weapons I am trying to rely on to keep my mind focused where it should be in order to serve Him and love my wife the way I should.

God is so good!